Monday, July 5, 2010

I extended the garden path the rest of the way to the new garage and made a few complimentary beds.

    Saturday, July 3, 2010


    Perhaps this many boxes means I bought too many... The Castle strikes again! I went in with the plan to spend less than the previous year - but ended up spending more. However, I must say, I believe we got less for the money in this economy.

    They see us coming every year - whichever family member goes! I went the first time - and got crucified for how much I spent. Then Mom went and had the owner help her pick out the fireworks... The next year Dad said he was going and would put a stop to this ridiculous phenomenon - he spent more than all of us!!! Ha!

    Thursday, July 1, 2010

    New Construction

    Steve has begun the new screened porch on the back of the main house. Unfortunately, it won't be quite ready for the 4th - a special screen that is better suited for pets is still on order. It will create a whole lot more room for the cats to spread out and offer amazing outside views with ceiling fans and no bugs when we eat! It is absolutely huge and connects to the old porch on the creek side - will be really nice! We will still get to enjoy it for the 4th - just won't be screened in yet. I helped Steve for a couple of days put braces on the joints in the beams - holy cow, that's a lot of nails!