Monday, September 19, 2011

Construction Update

The doorway is not the real doorway... it will have windows cut around it.  There will be a large roofed front porch - made from the rocks from the old store that was torn down.  They sat in a pile for years (with a promise the structure would be rebuilt on the creek side of the land).  The new owner of the land sold them to mom.  The lower wall of the house will also be that stone.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Cool Fall Morning

It is 52 degrees this morning at Flint Creek! I actually have on a hoodie! Perfect last morning here!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Taking Shape

Addition to the main house is progressing along. With framing done, plywood on exterior was completed and Steve cut out the upstairs windows this week. Before he left for Labor Day weekend, he was working on the cornish... adding the front and north eaves.