Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Gussie peeking through the window! This is the very same set of windows we originally found her and her three siblings two-and a half years ago! You can see the creek down below the bluff in the background.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fall Colors

How can you beat this view?


Found a great spot for Molly in the cemetery. She has a great view of the sunsets! Also touched up a few of the headtsones. We took the dogs on a drive in the cart and did some small chores in the yard - each time we drove by and said hi to Molly! ;)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Good Wood Hunting

Finally completed a continuous length on the fence. Filled in two sections adding over ten feet. Had to really hunt for the wood, even drug one big log across the creek and up the hill. Should give us the enough privacy for the winter.

Puppy Slumber Party

Best photo I got... they were cuddling, snuggling and completely intertwined in each other! Amy usually sleeps in my house - but thought they might have fun!  Katy is the new one - just gorgeous and so sweet!  Definitely was abused like most that end up on our corner.  She calms Jake down and is getting more and more comfortable with us.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Sweet Molly - In Memory

We lost a little treasure today... I have dreaded this day for over two years.  Such a sweet soul.  I hate to say it... but I probably loved her more than any other.  Miss priss with her little milk mustache! 

Molly wandered up at Flint twenty years ago.  We tried not to feed her, and I let her come in and sleep with me (I was on the porch during fourth of July) - I think you know how that story ended!  She didn't get along with the other kitties and she would stay in the front part of the house at McKinney  - dad would spend each evening with her on the couch in the living room.  When she came back here to Flint she eventually adapted to the other kitties and was very happy. 

She enjoyed sitting with Steve in the evenings after he worked all day on the house, probably reminded her of Dad.  She loved the back porch - was usually out there or on the ottoman.  She had become quite a little beggar, feasting on whatever she could talk us out of on our plates.  And the milk... she loved the milk. 

Already miss her dearly!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Charlotte's Decorating Army

Spiders got pretty busy last night finishing the Halloween decorations for me!

Dad used to just love the spider webs in the morning. When I walked out this morning, the light was just right and there was a mist hanging in the air that absolutely illuminated their craftmanship. You could get close enough to some on the deck so you could see the water droplets on each thread.  The webs were everywhere, even single strands making their way across all the camp lights.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Halloween at Flint Creek

Quick little decoration between the houses. Just have to keep the dogs from stealing the spider legs!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Construction Update

The doorway is not the real doorway... it will have windows cut around it.  There will be a large roofed front porch - made from the rocks from the old store that was torn down.  They sat in a pile for years (with a promise the structure would be rebuilt on the creek side of the land).  The new owner of the land sold them to mom.  The lower wall of the house will also be that stone.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Cool Fall Morning

It is 52 degrees this morning at Flint Creek! I actually have on a hoodie! Perfect last morning here!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Taking Shape

Addition to the main house is progressing along. With framing done, plywood on exterior was completed and Steve cut out the upstairs windows this week. Before he left for Labor Day weekend, he was working on the cornish... adding the front and north eaves.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Ground Breaking

We finally broke ground on the main house addition. These piles of dirt were full of arrowheads - apparently this spot was around the fire/gathering circle!

The second photo shows where the porch was removed... surprising how small the porch looks on the house.

A New View

After years of encouraging the purchase of some kind of ATV, we finally got a golf cart! Now, this isn't just any golf cart... it has a crazy suspension kit and amazing all terrain wheels! I think technically we did a little four wheeling in the mud on the the way back from the Big Blue Hole (even though it's only two wheel drive)... there was mud all over the cart!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

What do you do with fallen branches from a big storm?

Make a custom fence! I collected it all up, chopped and chopped (really tired of things with black and red handles this trip) and fastened them to the fence that was put up after the drunk diver crashed through.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Let Mother Nature do some of the work!

In my continuous effort to be able to walk the length of the property without setting foot in dirt, I cleared a small ledge connecting the lower bluff to the garage area that we had cleared last year. With the last flood, a little more of the bluff just above the beach was cleared. Over the last two years maintenance of the south area has led to a fairly clean lower bluff path all the way down to the bridge.

With another flood pending, I broke up the only soil on the remaining piece of that lower bluff. And Mother Nature helped me wash it away!

Monday, April 25, 2011

April Showers?

Just about every year there is a flood. In the past when this was just a summer place, we often missed it. Dad saw several over the years. This was the largest since we have had this property. The water just kept coming up! The lower bluff is usually six feet above water - in this photo it is three feet below. You can see the water flowing over the concrete table where everyone watches fireworks.